I'm working as a Fish Culturist at Hidden Falls Salmon Hatchery in a remote spot near Sitka, Alaska! AM I CRAZY!? I'm starting to think so...

Saturday, May 5, 2007

NSRAA stuff

Hey everyone... I was just browsing the NSRAA (Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association.... aka WHO I WORK FOR!) website looking for something but I came across some things that I thought I'd share. It seems they are attempting to revamp the website so it's a work in progress but some things were cool.

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Make it larger... This shows you how close Hidden Falls is to Takatz and other places.

There's also a cool chart that shows the amount of fish that we can expect back during spawning season but I couldn't make it show up on the page very good. So if you are interested, and it's kinda cool, go here... http://www.nsraa.org/2007%20Forecast.htm

Anyhow, just a few cool things. It's currently raining like crazy out... hopefully it dies down by around 5, otherwise it'll be a nice WET ride back to Takatz. Assuming the water isn't going nuts out there!


Anonymous said...

Hey Becky,

Thanks for the map. Now I finally can figure out where you are in relation to Sitka and elsewhere. Sounds like things went good and boring last week! Welcome to the real world of work now. Love, DAD

Anonymous said...

OH, PS! I haven't sent your package yet because I can't find a box big enough for your.....pens. But also, they all end up being too small. So I'm in a pickle. OOH! I could send you pickles! But they'd break....

Anyhow, hang in there and steal a pen until I can find the right box!

Anonymous said...

A PEN??? Valerie is sending you pens? lol...yeah, right