I'm working as a Fish Culturist at Hidden Falls Salmon Hatchery in a remote spot near Sitka, Alaska! AM I CRAZY!? I'm starting to think so...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Juneau pictures

Here are some more pictures from Juneau...

The Mendenhall glacier from "up close" I guess it's not exactly up close but if you got up close it would be massive!

ICE BERG, RIGHT AHEAD!! Chunks of ice are constantly breaking off of the glacier. We didn't see any break off when we were there but these were floating around in the water.

A waterfall off the the side of the glacier. We could have walked to this waterfall and stood practically under it, but we have the stroller.

And now for some funny pictures...

Funniest of them all! It looks like I'm hanging over a cliff!

When we were in a store in Juneau, I came across this! A bear nativity scene! See that's "Beary and Joseph" in the middle with a little baby and off to the right is one of the 3 wise men and a "camel" bear, some bear angels and more wise men on the other side and what looks like a bear in a sheep costume? I thought this was hilarious! I kinda wanted it!

I feel like you'd see this only in Alaska! What is that... you might say?

Oh, just a dog sitting in a chair on the back of a flatbed truck! I believe he is tied up there... or maybe the chair is. I'm not sure if the dog rides like this but it wouldn't surprise me! Here in Sitka, there are ALWAYS dogs in the back of trucks... even if the truck is parked and the owner isn't there.


Anonymous said...

Pictures of the dog in the chair are hilarious! -Steven

Anonymous said...

I like that picture of you...turned out really good. I agree with Steven...he pictures of the dog in the chair were hilarious! Can't believe the dog didn't fall out.