I'm working as a Fish Culturist at Hidden Falls Salmon Hatchery in a remote spot near Sitka, Alaska! AM I CRAZY!? I'm starting to think so...

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Well it was sure nice to have a break today!

So we had some crazy snow sliding action today! The roof of the bunkhouse is slanted and today was the day all the snow decided to fall off... which was pretty awesome! There was SO much snow up there because 1) we just got ALOT of snow... and 2) the snow we blew off the flat roof went onto to bunkhouse roof, so the snow was pretty packed down! Previously, we've had snow fall off the roof and it's been like once or twice a day and it was done. Well today it decided to fall off in massive chunks that just seemed to keep coming! And when it falls, it sounds like the roof is falling!

So I had heard a few things fall but ehh whatever... didn't think much of it. Then I went downstairs and Josh said that that last one (the last fall) broke the outside panel of the kitchen window. Not exactly sure HOW... it managed to break it but the screen on the outside held the glass in. Then I went up to my room to look out my window and was like "HOLY CRAP!" at this...

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I went outside to take a picture from a different view.

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This was the first major chunk to fall. Scott was outside with his camera also hoping to get it on video when it went down. He said it was gonna go down any minute because you could even see it sliding... and sure enough it did. About a minute after he said that. A massive puff of snow! There was about 8 feet hanging off! Probably 3-4 feet thick.

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A little while later, I took this picture. A bunch of snow had fallen off by now. At one point, Josh said that if snow had fallen, it very well could break the window because that snow pile was already up to window height. Thankfully no other windows were broken. The snow that has been falling lately has been super light but you can tell by those picture how compacted it is. No more chunks have fallen since this afternoon so it must be all gone. I was watching a movie in my room when a big chunk fell and I could feel the place shake even!

Anyhow, it didn't snow for a while today but then it started up. Not much accumulation but there has been some that I can see. They were snowplowing alot today again... Scott had to get all that roof snow out and actually risked getting started while the snow was still falling off the roof some.

I watched the movie, Babel, today... it's one of those Oscar nominated movies... got alot of buzz. It was pretty good. Not at all what I thought it would be like but I'd recommend watching it if you are looking for a movie. It's very culturally diverse... lol Alright back to the grind tomorrow so I'll stop writing now.

SHOUT OUT OF THE DAY - I'm gonna send two to two awesome people... Heather and Mike. I got an email from both of them recently and was kinda surprised! Thanks guys! I miss the heck out of ya!

ANTI-SHOUT OUT OF THE DAY - To the workaholic crazy side of Valerie who jammed the awesome side of Valerie into a closet! I want my sister back... she's never online to talk to me. GIVE HER SOME TIME OFF!


Anonymous said...

DUDE I HEAR YA! I want me back too!

Anyhow, I think seeing all the snow falling off the roof would be awesome! The weather up here was pretty bad Friday. It was blowing and drifting really bad. AND OF COURSE I GOT STUCK AGAIN SATURDAY when I was leaving for work. I was so pissed. I'm really hating my car this year with the whole getting stuck thing or all the crazy noises or even the BREAK IN. I mean seriously...who steals someones proof of insurance?! lol

But yeah, back to the weather on friday. It was pretty bad. I thought I was gonna die on my way home from work that night because some parts of the road were so drifted. I duno, it was crazy. Then when I got to my road it was crazy because of how drifted it was. I walked thru a HUGE snow drift on my way to the house...it was friggin up to my knees. friday kinda looked like the picture you posted the other day.

Dude you seriously felt it shake when the snow fell? that would be AWESOME!

How are the fish!? =)


Anonymous said...

Valerie isn't busy working ALL the time... she is distracted with a boyfriend too! That is why she is never online!!!

Dude... there is a snow drift behind out house that is up to my shoulders... so on Sunday, I put on all my snow gear... got a running start... and tried to highjump it!!! I had tons of fun doing that!

I hear ya on the snow... I am sick of it too, and we don't even have as much as you do!