- LOCATION - Middle of nowhere Alaska... Hidden Falls Hatchery
- CAST - Rebecca, Hidden Falls staff, a few dogs, MILLIONS of salmon... bears in the coming months
- PLOT - She's going to think she's working at a big salmon hatchery, but really it's just going to be a big TEST of strength! Physical and mental strength to see what she can REALLY handle!
Rebecca wakes up to her Eric Church CD at 7am and, like every morning, looks out the window to check out the weather. "*GASP* Either the dock is on fire or that is an orange SUNRISE!!" It indeed was the sun rising. "It's going to be a good day." she thinks as she lays back down to wait for her watch to go off in 5 minutes. *BEEP BEEP BEEP* Rebecca goes through her usual morning routine... layering on the clothing, breakfast, checked a few emails people had sent her, then back downstairs to meet at 8am so Scott can delegate the jobs. She looks out the window and sees that the sun is no longer and it appears to be windy and snowing a little. "Great..." she thinks. Deena walks in and says "WOW, it's really cold out there this morning." A few minutes later, Scott says "uhh how about Rebecca, Dean and Sarah... shovel the snow off of the walkways on the fish pens. It's suppose to snow more so we don't want it to compact."
The 3 make their way to the dock to head out to the pens. "oww yeah it's FREEZING out... definitely colder than yesterday" they all think. Down at the dock, they don life jackets and jump into a boat. "humm my first time in the boat for work... fun." Rebecca thinks. They arrive at the dock to find about 10 inches of snow so they start shoveling. An hour and a half later, as they are walking to finish up the main dock, THE SUN COMES OUT! They rejoice... but it is still 14 degrees out. They finish up as Scott pulls up in a boat and tells them to go around near the other pens and clear off the other small dock. Though it's close to breaktime (10am) they decide to head over and break later. Upon arrival, they realize that the snow is not the same soft powder like before... it is about 12 inches of compacted snow and ice. They do what they can but go to break at 10. They come back with metal shovels and chop away at it until lunch time. Now, despite the 16 degrees, they are sweating and quite warm! Time for lunch.
After lunch, Rebecca heads to the mezzanine (the partially heated area above the feed shed) with Angie to string some nets up and work on some screens. It's easy work and she's inside so it's alright. She turns on her iPod and works. Rebecca thinks "man, this iPod is a lifesaver... THANKS SISTERS!" She heads to break at 3 where the crew tries to decide if the grocery plane will arrive soon. Rebecca learns that even if the weather is nice (like it is), the plane probably won't fly if it's under 20 degrees. "YIKES..." she thinks because it's cutting it close. She continues to work, and in the midst of stringing up a net, she hears the motor of a plane "DE PLANE!" she exclaims to herself, then realizes that her feet are really cold, despite the fact she is INSIDE. "*shakes her head* It's inevitable... they are going to be cold no matter what!"
Finally it's quittin time and Rebecca heads to the bunkhouse. As she approaches, she sees a familiar guy unloading the grocery boxes. Rebecca smiles to herself and thinks "Always nice to see a new cute boy at the hatchery... even if he is married... still nice to look at." She says hi to Josh (not the one from Michigan), whom she met in Sitka and works for a different NSRAA program but has arrived at Hidden Falls for some reason, and she helps to unload with the rest of the crew. When they are done, she finds her groceries but only find her "dry goods" box. "humm..." she wonders, "maybe my other stuff is in someone else's pile." So she glances around but doesn't see it. *SHRUG* She heads inside to put her stuff away. She'll check back in a bit. Unpacking, she pulls out her receipt and sees that she IS missing 1/2 the stuff she ordered... meaning there IS no other box. She asks her bunkmates, Angie and Dean, if they have extra stuff of hers but no luck... she is OUT OF LUCK.
Feeling defeated, she sits down at the computer for a few minutes before she wants to watch Real World (because Mtv is on EST time so she has to watch it at 6pm). No new emails... no one is online... "UGHHH... not a good day!" she thinks and goes back downstairs and flips on Mtv. The recent annoyingly familiar black screen pops up with the yellow "Searching for satellite signal" box... "NO! I still have time... it's not 6 yet." She flips channels and of course that one comes in but not the one she wants... FINALLY, right in time, the channels works. She can watch her show... 6:15pm... *black screen* "NO! Right in the middle of the SHOOOOOW!... Idol is on at 7... hopefully THAT channel works." She flips on FOX but *black screen* "GAH this is going to be a repeat of last night... I have 45 minutes still." Defeated again... she goes to make dinner. Her favorite... beef stroganoff. No problems there, but 7pm, no tv. 7:15... still no tv... DEFEATED AGAIN, she puts on a channel that WORKS and eats. Finishing up, she does the dishes and heads upstairs to take a shower and write this blog.
The camera pans out and the producers of "THE REBECCA SHOW" have a good laugh at the fun TESTS they have put Rebecca against today. Producer #1 laughs and says "HA And we told her it would be 40 and raining... boy is it funny to dump snow on her and make it 16 degrees, and then make her go outside and shovel it!" Producer #2 agrees and says "Good idea to tell the grocery store to forget to shop for her stuff! That's a great one! And the satellite not working... CLASSIC!" Producer #3 says "That was my idea... thanks! She seemed to handle the snow shoveling ok though... that sun was making her happy. We'll have to get rid of that next time and add some more wind!" They all sit back and laugh... "Maybe tomorrow." they all think with devious grins on their faces.
WEATHER - COOOLD, ~ 14-18 degrees... BUT SUUNNNNYYYY!!! :-)
SHOUT OUT OF THE DAY - Today goes to Hannah, because I got a piece of mail from her today (even though it got sent a while ago!) Thanks!! My first piece of mail I received at the Hatchery! Hey, yesterday I had to do something with some ice chipper thing and one of the chicks was trying to explain what it looked like and she said it sorta looked like a hoe, but bent flat, and then she said "If you know what a hoe looks like..." (she was being serious!) and I kinda grinned! "Do I know what a hoe looks like!? I'm a professional KBS hoer!"
ANTI-SHOUT OUT OF THE DAY - Lakeside grocery... THANKS! Way to forget to shop for my stuff! *ANGRY STARE!*
Way to go! You are going to have to become a real reader to entertain yourself. It's a real pain when the dish washes out. Glad to see you can laugh at yourself! Just think--- warm weather is coming--- somtime! DAD
hahaha. you most certainly ARE a kbs hoer! or ho... *cough*
If it makes you feel any better... it is still snowing/blizzarding here too! Yesterday we had rain, thunderstorms and tornado watches... and today it is blowing snow like crazy!!! And the dish goes out at our house too... especially with all the snow that collects on the dish! I don't know if you can reach the dish or not, but if there is alot of snow on it, wipe it off, and you might have signal then!
Love ya kid!
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